Factor:y Platform

What is Factor:y ?

  • A central repository of all data requested for reporting generation:
    • transactions, orders and executions for all asset classes.
    • positions, valuation, collateral, static data.
  • Standard import APIs (FIXML & FpML). Data is collected from the trading systems (trading venues, execution platforms, position keeping systems) and/or backoffice systems. Data can also be inserted through text based API (csv,excel), manual upload and even capture screens.
  • Data enrichment from other repositories (SMF, Parties). Secret data is called at reporting generation (not stored).
  • Factor:y’s UI is your single point to operate all your reporting
    • modification, monitoring, error handling is made in Factor:y,
    • without any need to connect to your TR or ARM application

Why is Factor:y different ?

  • A unique source of data for all reporting: the transaction representation is identical across all reporting.
  • Normalized APIs and data model: each transaction has an extensive and accurate representation (no distorsion on complex instruments, schedules, aso). The entire life-cycle of transactions with all relevant information is stored and audited (orders/execs, cancels, updates, timestamps).
  • A realtime based application:
    • Reporting lines are prepared in realtime, thus can be monitored, amended at T0, prior to reporting launch at T+1.
    • Enables to perform Trade Report (PTTR) in realtime.
  • Reporting is stored in DB including the data returned by the TR/ARM.