MiFIR Review confirmed on track

As expected, ESMA published its first conclusions on December 16th 2024, following the consultations launched in the second quarter of last year. From a reporting point of view, only Post Trade Transparency (RTS 1&2) and Commodity Position Reporting (MiFID II art. 58) were concerned, whereas the main topic, namely Transaction Reporting (RTS22) was supposed to arrive later in March. The European Commission has 3 months to approve the proposals to modify the RTS (Regulatory Technical Standard) but we can already say that the consultations have not fundamentally changed ESMA's proposals. The APAs (Approved Publication Arrangement) which collect and publish transactions in accordance with the rules of Post Trade Transparency (RTS1&2), will have to adapt and quickly communicate their format changes. Regarding Commodity Position Reporting (MiFID II art. 58), FinTeX Factor:y currently supports reporting to “ICE Futures Europe” which depends on the FCA and UK-Mifid II (not in-scope of Mifid II-MiFIR Review which is purely European), with further extension plans for 2025.